Six Questions Every Woman Should Ask Her Doctor: by Kate Swenson

Finding Cooper's Voice

A yearly physical exam is a safeguard against health problems exploding into serious illnesses and also doubles as an early warning system. Preventive health screenings can save your life.

If you’re due for your yearly physical, there are several questions you should always ask your doctor to stay better informed of your health and how to improve it.


When do I need a mammogram and pap smear?

While you're in your 40's should have a mammogram every year.


When do I need a colonoscopy?

If you're at average risk, screening usually starts at age 50. A colonoscopy is used to screen for other disorders as well.


Am I at a healthy weight?

Ask your doctor if you should be concerned about your weight and if so, healthy strategies to get to the healthiest weight for you.


Does my family history put me at risk?

If you haven’t updated your family medical history in a while, do so at your next visit. If you have a close family relative who has developed diabetes, that’s an important detail your doctor needs to be made aware of.


Do I still need my prescriptions? 

Make a list of all the medications you’re currently taking. Because medications can interact with others and create side effects, you’ll want to check with your doctor about your dosage amounts and the types of pills being taken.


How do I get my results? 

And, what's next?

Going to the doctor isn't the end of your health journey. You need to ask questions, follow up on your test results, and make necessary follow-up appointments.

You Are Your Own Best Advocate

While your doctor has education and experience to help inform their decisions, you remain your own best healthcare advocate.

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Finding Cooper's Voice