5 tips for flying with A baby

Tips by: Kate Swenson

Dashed Trail

Traveling with an infant can be a nightmare, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few essential guidelines and insider tips, flying with a baby is surprisingly manageable.




Plan ahead

Pack properly

Arrive early

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get to the airport early

Airport stress is dictated by your departure time so arrive early. 


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use curbside check-in 

Ditch the bags as soon as possible. Traveling with a baby requires a lot of extra gear and can not only frustrate you but also slow you down.


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Gate-Check Your Stroller and Car Seat

The beauty of flying with small children is that car seats and strollers fly free so use them the entire time you are in the airport.


keep your hands free

Wear your baby and your diaper bag. The less you have to hold the better.


have distractions

Have snacks, toys, books, and comfort items ready to go.


Traveling with a baby can be stressful, but a lot of that stress is due to worrying about the (dis)comfort of other passengers. Try to stay calm. 




Nurse or feeding during take-off/landing

Fly during naptime 

Book a baby seat

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Dashed Trail
Terrain Map

Babies cry on planes, that’s what babies do. Most people will understand that you’re trying to stop the crying ⏤ especially if they have kids of their own.

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