Finding Cooper's Voice
Here are 8 (SIMPLE) ways to take control back right now.
When a person is in chaos, they are often going a mile a minute. Stop. Pause. Think. What needs to be done? What is the priority right now?
Tip 1
When people are in crisis, they tend to not open their mail. But often, it's the fear of the unknown, like bills, that are causing the stress.
Tip 2
Use good old-fashioned pen and paper and make a list of what needs to be done. List out everything, big and small, and then prioritize.
Tip 3
I know this sounds like a no-brainer. But it's not. Take a shower, Never underestimate the mental health benefits of taking a shower.
Tip 4
Be honest with not only yourself, but with others. If you are struggling, can't make a deadline, or coming up short, tell the people who need to know. Maybe then can help.
Tip 5
Order groceries online and have them delivered, have a neighbor kid walk your dog or mow your lawn. Find ways to simplify tedious tasks.
Tip 6
It’s not just belongings and home that we need to attend to if we want to grab back some control. Declutter your inbox and calendar too.
Tip 7
make a list
With her popular blog, Finding Cooper's Voice, Kate Swenson has provided hope and comfort for hundreds of thousands of parents of children with Autism.