7 SIGNS of autism that are often overlooked.

Finding Cooper's Voice

Desire to avoid people 


When in a social situation, children with autism may isolate or avoid the group.

Repetitive Behaviors

Stimming: the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalizations.


Delayed Speech & Communication Skills

Between 6 and 11 months old, your baby should be imitating sounds, babbling, and using gestures.


Lack of typical play skills


''Playing' with objects that aren't actually toys or not understanding what a toy is. 

High level of frustration

It may seem like the child has an unwillingness to try anything new or different. 

What is a meltdown? An autistic meltdown is the response of an external stimulus overload that leads to an emotional explosion (or implosion).



Rigidity in behaviors, routines, foods, even people can be an early indicator of autism. 


Loss of skills or not meeting milestones

Rigidity in behaviors, routines,  foods, even people can be an early  indicator of autism. 


If you suspect your child may have autism... 1. Tell your doctor 2. Start early intervention 3. Trust your gut; You know your child best 5. Find a support network

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Autism is not the end of a story...It's the beginning of a beautiful life.