by, Kate Swenson of Finding Cooper's Voice
motherhood is amazing. we all know that.
But it can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and lonely. And, if you don’t take time for yourself, you could be doing more harm than good.
One of the best things you can do for your own mental health is GET PHYSICAL. Go for a walk, take a class, anything to get that blood pumping.
FIND TIME FOR FRIENDS. Human interaction is so important. Call a friend, see a friend, visit with a friend. Laugh it out or cry it out.
TAKE FIVE. Find 5 minutes of quiet whenever you can and don't feel guilty for taking it. Our brains need to recharge. And it's okay to admit that.
PAMPER YOURSELF. Get a massage or manicure. Take a nap. Do an at-home facial. This doesn't have to be expensive either. Google home-made face masks!
USE YOUR BRAIN. Often, when I feel unsatisfied, it's because I feel a bit bored by life. So, write in a journal, do a hobby, create something, even volunteer.
Sometimes, no matter what we do as moms, it can all be hard. Self-care or not. If you see another mother struggling, offer a kind word. Include her. Invite her. She may need it.