Three Kinds of Special Needs Parents and the Groups we March in

In this special needs community we have lovingly cultivated, there are three kinds of people, in three very different groups. I type this only to paradigm shift anyone on the ledge of two sides. Special Needs Parents find themselves here, there, or coasting. The Gratefully Coasting Group The Gratefully Coasting Group is this: things are good, you continue with the systems and supports that are working and you look up every now and again to thank your lucky stars. The Candle Vigil Group The Candle Vigil Group is this: you…

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To the Women who Heard Me

“He qualifies for the full day program.” It was like being smacked with a brick. How on earth could I put my little boy, who said nothing, into the care of complete strangers and trust that he will be taken care of the way I take care of him. When my son was 2 years and 8 months old he went to a preschool screening and I was faced with another harsh reality, that he was still so behind. He qualified for all day preschool and would be starting there…

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