The Stories We Share

We are just a few weeks away from celebrating the 6th anniversary Henry’s autism diagnosis.  We celebrate now, but back then it was a different story. Six years ago, I was nervous and confused.  I can admit it now, but I knew nothing about autism before his diagnosis. It’s hard to believe because autism is now my life and my work.  But yes, at that point, I knew nothing more about it besides a few characters in TV and movies. Henry had a lot of the textbook signs back then:…

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What is Our Relationship Like…

When my son was five or six, I finally accepted that he ‘may’ be nonverbal forever. It wasn’t easy. And it almost depleted me. I grieved the words I may never hear. All the mamas, I love you’s, and endless questions. Around that time I started wondering what our relationship would evolve into without words. Would we have conversations? Would it be quiet? Would I be lonely? Would I spend endless hours wondering what he was thinking or needing? Well, the answer is no. Cooper and I ‘talk’ all day…

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You Can’t Let Cooper Win

This weekend I shared a photo of Cooper resting after a pretty brutal anxiety attack. You can read about it HERE. I wrote about how our family is at a unique crossroads. We need to figure out how to manage his anxiety, give our other children a normal life and keep our sanity. i said anxiety won. And someone responded with…’you can’t let Cooper win.’ Like he was deliberately sabotaging our family outing. I just shook my head when I read that. Cooper isn’t winning. No one is. We are…

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Would I Recommend Medical Cannabis for Autism?

I promised I would give updates on our journey with medical cannabis for our severely autistic son. Cooper has been using it for almost four months now. And daily, I receive the same three questions from family and followers: 1.) Is the medical cannabis working? 2.) Would I recommend it to other children? 3.) Have I seen any negative side effects? My answers are pretty long winded and I cover them in the video below. But to summarize, yes, medical cannabis is ‘working’ for my son. I have seen huge…

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We’d Become What I Was Most Afraid Of….

When my son was diagnosed with autism over four years ago, I remember not being able to picture him as a teen. And not one person in my life, not doctors, not therapists, could tell me what the future held. The unknown is very, very hard. I think it’s harder than knowing. I so badly needed a glimpse of the future. I needed to know what nonverbal looked like at age 15. Or 20. But I was scared too. I am big enough to admit that I wasn’t ready to…

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Evolving as a Special Needs Parent

When my son was first diagnosed with autism I struggled to even say it out loud. I felt awful saying the words, ‘my son has autism.’ When I said them, I felt like I was betraying him. Or making it real. Then, once I was ready to talk about it, I quite literally had no one to talk with. None of the other parents in my group had autistic children. They would be talking about sports and education while my life was therapy, doctors and sleep deprivation. I realized quickly…

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Adjusting to Life with a Baby (VIDEO)

I am so excited to share with you how we are adjusting to baby Harbor and to being a family of five. We are twelve days in! Honestly, overall, it’s going VERY, VERY well. In so many ways we are just your typical family adjusting to having a new baby. There are moments of chaos of course. But, there are also so many parts that are so much harder. Cooper still needs 100% of his self care administered. He can’t get his own snack or drink, or dress himself, or…

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Keeping Autistic Children Safe (VIDEO)

Last week, a little boy, who is autistic and nonverbal, died. The story rocked the world of every parent who has a child with special needs. I shared a few updates as it was unfolding and was saddened to see the hate that emerged. Some comments were curious. Many were confused how this could happen. And everyone was heartbroken. I want you to know I know nothing more than you do. I know what I see on the news. That is it. But what I do know is the seriousness…

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Sharing the Realities of our World

We have been having so many wins lately with our severely autistic son. He is thriving. Our family is letting that breath out we have been holding for years. I feel like many parts are actually getting easier. And yet, the roller coaster continues. Our son had his longest behavior to date yesterday, 10 minutes, and had to be put into a hold. I spent the night feeling guilty. And worrying. And wondering why his life has to be so hard. Why can’t it just be easy? And as he…

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When Autism Makes People Uncomfortable

A time will come on this journey when your autistic child will make someone uncomfortable. Like really visibly uncomfortable. Maybe you are in line at the grocery store. Or in a waiting room at a doctor’s office. Or at a park. And your child will be flapping, running, grunting and loving life, just being happy, and you will see people move away from them. You will see stares. You will see looks. I want to tell you that how you react in that very moment is a really big deal.…

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