
The Beginning

November 25, 2013

I know when I tell Cooper’s story I need to start from the very beginning. When I am frantically searching for blogs that have to do with Apraxia, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ect, I always go to the beginning of the blog roll. I want to know if the child is like mine. Do they share traits? Are there similarities? I had a completely normal pregnancy with Cooper (besides gaining A LOT of weight…ugh). Nine pound Cooper came into this world not breathing. I will never, in all of my life,…

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Cooper and Mama

November 25, 2013

This picture describes everything that is Cooper. A perfect little devil.

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Cooper is just Cooper

November 25, 2013

This is Cooper. How can you not love that face. He is sweet and naughty and sassy and smart and all the qualities you want in a little boy. But there is one pretty noticable difference about Cooper. He doesn’t talk. As it stands, Cooper will be 3 years old on December 6th and he still has no words. Usually when I tell people this all the same questions are asked. Can he hear? Does he have autism? Does he mimic? Does he have a desire to talk? Well, yes…

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