In the meeting on Wednesday, Cooper’s speech therapist recommended that Cooper start Occupational Therapy. And she even recommended a place to go. Woo-Hoo! I called right away on Wednesday and made an appointment for Friday to meet with her. Well, Friday morning Cooper woke up pissed off at the world. He wanted Oreo cookies for breakfast and was really confused as to why he couldn’t have them. So, the whining started early. And my patience got worn early. And I was worried about his behavior during the appointment. Coop’s and I left…
Read MoreCooper had an amazing speech appointment today. To put it honestly, he was perfect. And that is something I don’t get to say all the time. He played, giggled, flirted, vocalized and interacted. He did it all and he had a smile on his face the whole time. I was riding high. I was even relaxed and enjoying myself. And then his therapist said something that was supposed to make me feel better. At least I think that’s what she was doing. She said, “my boss wants me to diagnose Cooper…
Read MoreSomething has changed with Cooper. Even as I type this I am hesitant. I haven’t even said it out loud to anyone but Jamie. I’m scared if I say it too loudly it will disappear. So let’s pretend I am whispering. Last Friday we stopped giving Cooper his daily dose of Miralax. This was a huge step for him and we thought for sure it wouldn’t work. But it’s been over a week now and he is doing great. Thank God. We also started Cooper on a new dose of Fish Oil last week as well.…
Read MoreHi All, So I am super new to this whole world of personal blogging. I have managed a finance blog, Sense and Centsibility, for a few years now and this is a whole different game. I love that I can be so honest about my journey as Cooper’s mom and give/take support from other moms. It’s been amazing. I am so excited to say that a fellow blogger, Running After Ale, honored me with this blog award! This award was created by The Thought Palette. From this blog you can find…
Read MoreI’m missing right now. I’m so caught up in wishing Cooper was talking that I am missing the special moments. Time is a funny thing to any parent. On one hand you want it to stop. You want to enjoy this little, perfect baby forever. You want to soak up every second so you never forget it. And then on the other hand there are moments when you need time to go faster. Like when your sweet baby doesn’t sleep more than two hours at a time. Or they are teething…
Read MoreAnother great weekend for Cooper! Well, minus his church skills. Wow. Let’s just say that kid CANNOT sit still. We took Cooper to a McDonald’s Play Palace on Saturday. Big night. We have brutal cabin fever at our house so any outing sounded great. This was our first time at a play place so we didn’t know what Coop would do. Well, I am pretty sure he died and went to heaven. He ran and jumped and loved every sensory overload part of it. I climbed in the tunnels for…
Read More(Warning: Many overshares in this part. I assume we are all parents though so hopefully poop talk won’t shock you.) I know I have mentioned on here before that Cooper has issues going poop. A little back story. Cooper had 1 meconium poop in the hospital after he was born and then didn’t poop again for 10 days. I shit you not! (I crack myself up!) I breastfed Cooper for the first 11 months of his life and I remember I tried everything with my diet to help with the constipation. No go.…
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