
Lowering my Expectations

March 3, 2014

I am sitting here trying to decide what to write about. I could write about the event I went to this weekend and how seeing hundreds of ‘normal’ happy children takes a lot out of me. How I had to text Jamie a few times for support and yet again realized how alone I am in my feelings about Cooper’s future. He will never feel how I feel about our situation. And I will never feel how he feels. Maybe its a man/woman thing. Or an outlook on life thing. I guess…

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He Sat Still Folks!

February 28, 2014

I have to share this! Cooper had a cold yesterday. I am kind of worried that he might have an ear infection which would mean that his tube most likely fell out. Ugh. I can’t even think about it. It seems to be gone today though. Anyhow, I picked him up from daycare and for the first time in 2 years we rode home in silence. Usually, he ‘chats’ the whole ride. It borders whining with a bit of pointing and shrieking. Oh, to know what is in that kid’s…

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The Beginning of GREAT THINGS are sometimes the hardest.

February 28, 2014

Cooper’s sensory issues really intimidate me. I think because they don’t make sense to me. I can’t seem to get a grasp on it either. And, they are pretty much invisible. He is an angel for teeth brushing, getting dressed, etc. The kid just can’t sit still. He can’t shut it off. I’m really thinking Occupational Therapy is going to help. I’ve read raving reviews from other parent’s and am SO hopeful. Looking back at this journey I have to chuckle at all the different stages that were hard at first and…

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Another Occupational Therapy Evaluation In The Books

February 27, 2014

We had Cooper’s Occupational Therapy Evaluation yesterday morning. I am wearing my new positive hat (AKA…The ‘I am going to positive if it freaking kills me’ hat) and there were many ‘good’ things that came from the evaluation. First, this lady is A-MAZ-ING! If you could pick the exact person you would want to work with your child it would be this woman. She is patient and sweet and knew exactly how to work with Cooper. We have had people in the past that didn’t know how to handle him…

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Eek…I Overshared! And Now You Know The Real Me!

February 24, 2014

I am totally having mommy guilt about oversharing yesterday. Think of it as drinking too much and being embarrassed the next day about what you said and did. We’ve all been there. At least I know I have! (One too many times) Except yesterday I wasn’t drinking. I was just plain, old sad. And worn down. And needed help. A good night’s sleep reminded me that life could be a lot worse. If I was to sum up Cooper’s behaviors I can link every single one to lack of communication. He…

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My Toddler's Behaviors Are Out Of Control

February 23, 2014

Today is a bad day. Honestly, I think the days have been progressively getting worse for a while now and I just didn’t want to admit it. I want Cooper to improve so badly that I think I have been lying to myself. I read a quote on Pinterest that said, “It doesn’t actually get easier…you just get used to it.” Ding, Ding, Ding! That’s my life exactly. Cooper’s behaviors are out of control. I am not going to sugar coat this on my blog. I sugar coat it in…

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Help With A Sensory Issue

February 22, 2014

I have a sensory question for the mama’s out there. Cooper has started doing this new thing that is making me CRAZY. And I need help. Here is the scenario. In the corner of our living room I have a little play area set up. There is a mini toy box and 3 or 4 bigger push toddler toys. Cooper will be playing in his area and then all of a sudden he will get really silly. He’ll start kicking the toys and thrashing. It’s like a rave. Lights are…

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Meanwhile in Minnesota…

February 22, 2014


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Please Take the Time To Listen To My Child.

February 20, 2014

I read something on the Apraxia Facebook page that brought me to tears. I have voiced SO MANY of my worries about Cooper’s future ranging from school to bullying to interacting with others. And the worry doesn’t stop there. I want and need Cooper to be popular and loved. I want and need him to have friends and be successful in relationships. What mom wouldn’t want these things? I read a post on the Apraxia Facebook page that brought me to tears. I was just sick after reading it. It went something  like…

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Let's Talk Feelings

February 17, 2014

Cooper’s pediatrician asked me once if I would be worried about Cooper’s ‘other’ quirks if he spoke. And that is a really, really good question because honestly, I wouldn’t. Cooper’s personality is a perfect mixture of my husband and I. So one of the questions I have about kiddos like Cooper is how much of it is actually personality. (Disclaimer…my husband is going to kill me for writing this post!) Cooper is a rough and tough boy. He enjoys rocks and dirt and puddles. Yes, he loves his blankie and…

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