
Running From Your Problems

April 30, 2014

I can think of a dozen times throughout this journey where I have considered taking my family and moving away. I fantasized that we would buy a cabin on a lake somewhere. Jamie and I would both work from home and we would raise the kids the way we wanted too. I would even homeschool the boys. Doing this seemed so right. Probably because the parent of a special needs child lives in constant Fight or Flight mode. I guess what I am really trying to say is that I fantasize about…

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Me Too. Such a Simple Thing To Say.

April 29, 2014

  I saw this today. LOVE.      

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Faith Is Easy To Have Until It's Tested

April 29, 2014

I wouldn’t consider myself to be a super religious person. I firmly believe in God and that he touches everything. Heck, I pray to God every single day and I have turned to God during especially hard times in my life. But there is something I need to get off of my chest. Faith is a funny thing. It is so easy to have Faith until it is actually put to the test. It is so easy to tell someone to trust in God’s plan. But when you are devastated and your…

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April 28, 2014

Just when I start to feel so alone and so lost on this journey, a person I have never even met in real life writes something so beautiful and gives me hope. “You are NOT alone. WE are not alone,” she writes. Thank you fellow mama for this post. Thank you for being here for me on my darkest days!

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I Don't Want To Be Super Mom Today

April 23, 2014

I was told at the beginning of this process (or maybe it was the middle) that I wasn’t taking the help that was available to me for Cooper. This was said to me by someone pretty close in our lives. She went onto tell me that I was living in denial and I wasn’t get Cooper the help that he needed. When she said this to me it was like one of those slow motion moments where time stops. I could practically see the words hanging in the air. I remember looking at her…

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Way To Go Cooper, You Broke Mom.

April 21, 2014

Ever since Cooper was 1 or so I realized that he doesn’t understand holidays. Or presents. And he doesn’t care about food so that part is out. He’s afraid of seeing Santa or the Easter Bunny so that is out too. And he hates activities so there is no dying Easter eggs or carving pumpkins. I can get him dressed up in a cute outfit but he won’t sit still for a picture. Yesterday was awful for me. It was the worst holiday I have ever had. Honestly, I am…

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Evaluation One of Eight is in the Books

April 17, 2014

We had Cooper’s 1st evaluation of 8 yesterday for the school district. Of course, during a blizzard. What else is new? These 8 evaluations are required to determine if he is eligible for a free spot in a developmental preschool through the school district. Yes, please!   At the time of the evaluation I had been awake for 28 hours straight. My dear friend had her baby and I got to be in the delivery room with her. If you want to talk Super Mom than you need to meet…

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The Right Side of Age 4

April 17, 2014

Lately, I have been getting involved with a lot with other Apraxia moms both through Facebook and blogs. I have seen an increase in questions having to do with kids being nonverbal for their whole lives. I know I’ve mentioned on here before that one of the hardest moments of my life was when I realized that some kids don’t talk. Click HERE to read that post. Cooper has always been so vocal and so loud it never crossed my mind that he wouldn’t talk. When I learned that nonverbal was a…

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The Potty Saga Continues

April 14, 2014

I read a post called “Facepalm Moment’s and Progress” on Emelie’s Voice that really hit home with me. I read it and than read it again. In the post she says, “Here’s my advice to all parents. These anecdotes and stories make life interesting. Don’t stop sharing them. Not everyone is going to get the joy in some of them. Not everyone will find the humor in them. There will be those that get it and welcome your children to planet Earth with open arms and share your face palms and…

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I Can Bargain With The Best Of Them

April 14, 2014

I do a lot of bargaining. More than I probably should at this stage in the game. I mean, honestly, Cooper is 3.4. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve been waiting almost 2 1/2 years for a first word. Isn’t that crazy? Every month that goes by I silently add up the months in my head. 1.4 years of speech. 1 year of occupational therapy. What else? 2 years until kindergarten. I’m almost OCD about it. And then I bargain. I probably should be a lot farther…

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