
We Don't Need Action Super Heroes Anymore

September 15, 2014

I can relate to this so much. Greatest fears: I am scared that I am going to die before Cooper can live an independent life. And, that he’s never going to talk.    

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False Hope is Brutal

September 9, 2014

I had a close friend over this weekend to help us with our house remodel. 17 times, yes I counted, he said, “I think Cooper is going to talk someday.” He was so hopeful. “I just know it Kate, he is going to talk. Don’t give up hope. He’s so close.” And it went on. “It’s going to happen. We just need to break through.” How dare he? He has no facts. No medical knowledge of the situation. I don’t think he’s ever heard of Apraxia or read a sentence…

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Autism for Cooper Comes and Goes

September 8, 2014

So as a new Autism parent I find myself muttering the words, “I freaking hate Autism” on a regular basis. Actually, in our house we call it ‘Tism.’ Short, sweet and almost cute. We always tell Cooper we are going to tickle the Tism right out of him. Cooper has been a happy kid lately. Part of it is because we aren’t going to therapy right now. We aren’t challenging him. But the other reason is that we have successfully removed a lot of Cooper’s triggers. Many of these will make…

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Walking Through The Storm Alone

September 3, 2014

So there is a big story in the news right now about the mom who tried to kill her autistic daughter. You can read the store HERE. I have been thinking about this nonstop and contemplated writing about it. And then not writing about it. This is a touchy subject that I normally wouldn’t touch but here is what I will say… I have never known loneliness like that of a special needs parent. First, I don’t condone what she did in anyway. Let me say that first. But what…

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Tricking Dr. Google

August 26, 2014

I was chatting with a wonderful mom over at My Yellow Brick Road the other day about our autistic boys. Facebook messaging with her is so amazing for me. I can be honest and open and I don’t need to preface every sentence with, “I swear I’m not a bad mom” or “Don’t judge me.” It’s refreshing. And she gets it. I tend to be obsessive about Cooper. It’s kind of my thing. Pre diagnosis I would research everything. I googled things like, “nonverbal at age 3, nonverbal at age 4, my…

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Waiting Around for Something to Change

August 21, 2014

Meal time has changed. It used to be the most dreaded part of our day. Not anymore! I don’t know what did it but Cooper is eating great, not throwing and also sitting with us during mealtime. LIFE CHANGING! And as quickly as one behavior gets better another gets worse. Meal time is better and now he has taken throwing to an all new level. Awesome. If I was to describe Cooper’s life to people I would say that ‘something’ is always off. I remember sitting with girlfriends or parents or…

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The Difference a Year Makes

August 14, 2014

On Sunday we brought Cooper to see Thomas the Train. Good old Thomas makes a trip to Duluth once a year and it’s a huge day in Cooper’s world. It’s also the cutest thing ever. It’s held at the depot and kids actually get to go on a 20 minutes train ride. Last August when we went and saw Thomas, Cooper was 2.5 and he has just been (mis)diagnosed with a moderate hearing loss in both ears. He was very nonverbal at this point in his life. His breakthroughs didn’t really happen…

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A Therapy Break

August 11, 2014

Cooper got kicked out of therapy. Yup, you read that right. I can spin this two ways for you. First, Cooper’s speech therapist decided that it would be best for Cooper to take a break. The sessions aren’t going well. Cooper hates it there…he loves his therapist…but he doesn’t want to do the stuff she’s doing…ever. It’s so frustrating. Trust me. I leave exhausted and sweaty and questioning everything we are doing. And also thinking, ‘is there ever a time where therapy is more detrimental than good???’ Part of me…

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Walking the Fine Line of Hope and Giving Up

August 11, 2014

When Cooper was little and his quirks were just starting to show I silently blamed myself. I’d tell people I didn’t but I really did. I never believed the whole autism and vaccination correlation. Cooper was different since the day he was born. Deep down I knew right away. At that time I silently doubted everything I had done while pregnant. Maybe I ate the wrong things. For a hot minute I thought maybe I used too much bug spray or even used to much hand sanitizer. And then when…

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Describing how Autism Affects our Family…in 4 Sentences or Less.

August 5, 2014

I have been working on this TEFRA paperwork for the last couple of days and there are a few questions that just suck. I am so sick of answering stuff like this. Describe how your child’s challenges affect your child and family. I read it and then reread it. The box for the answer could hold 4 sentences tops. What can I put in this freaking box that will make it make sense. And who is going to be reading this? Does the person know what it’s like to raise…

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