
Talking About Special Needs Parenting Guilt

March 14, 2017

I want to talk about Mommy Guilt. It’s a real thing. And on top of that I want to layer on Special Needs Parenting Guilt. The stakes are way higher. Every decision or lack of decision is huge. Should I try one more therapy? Should I visit one more doctor? How much is enough? I feel it every single day. And I want to let you in on a little secret…No one is harder on me than me. I love my kid more than anything and the worry that I’m…

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To the Friend who Stood by Me

March 14, 2017

I called you today, friend. You knew today was the day. The day of the appointment. You told me that whatever the outcome I should call right away, or at least text. You said you would be right over. Like the true friend that you are you said I could cry and drink wine and we could either talk about my stress and fear or just sit and do nothing. Either way you would listen. I want to thank you for that. I needed it. Just knowing that you care…

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Practical Goals, Measuring Success, and Accepting Limitations

March 13, 2017

I would like to introduce you to Jess, a 29-year-old woman with Autism and cortical blindness. Much like many of my favorite people, Jess came into my life in the virtual way. I stumbled upon her through Instagram. And I fell in love with this vivacious, funny, southern Belle. I asked her mother, Val, who blogs at Autistic Interpretations to write a post for Finding Cooper’s Voice. I hope that you all are as intrigued by Jess as I am. My name is Val, and I am the mother of…

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Assistive Technology for Kids With Autism

March 12, 2017

A Speech Device scared me. I thought it would limit what little verbal communication my son had. I was scared that he would go silent. I was scared he’d get teased. And honestly, I was worried to try something new and fail. If you have a kiddo who is nonverbal or has limited communication I am sure you have heard about Talking Devices, Speech Devices, or Assistive Technology. And if you are new to the world of Autism it can all seem a little bit scary and overwhelming. When Cooper was 3 we had…

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7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout

March 10, 2017

Hi, my name is Kate and I am a mom with caregiver burnout. Some of you may shake your head at that. You don’t believe me. How can a mom be a caregiver to their child? Is that even a thing? A mom is a mom and caring for their child is in the job description. I agree but caring for a child with severe autism is so much more. It’s an up all night, never sit down, zero to life journey. I have 2 children. Cooper, my first born, is…

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How to Grandparent a Special Needs Child

March 9, 2017

I called you today, Mom and Dad. You knew today was the day. The day of the appointment. The appointment that would either relieve all our fears or change the future. You knew the doctors and teachers were throwing around words like “autistic” and “developmentally delayed.” You knew I refused to believe it. You refused, too (and I appreciate that more than you will ever know). Our Family Was Changed Forever We told each other for a long time that he was fine. We reassured each other daily. He was…

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I Blamed Autism for My Divorce

March 7, 2017

I am sitting here in my living room, feet up in a recliner, drinking a much-needed cup of coffee. One kiddo is off to school and one is at daycare and my house is finally quiet. I know I should get up and start my work day but I am distracted. I have been staring at the stack of my divorce papers for 15 minutes. I find a bit of irony in the fact that they are covered with our autistic son’s ‘treasures’. A few chewed up family pictures, an…

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8 Ways to Prepare Now for Your Autistic Child’s Future

February 22, 2017

A few months ago my autistic, but otherwise extremely healthy child was denied life insurance. I was shocked and confused. When Cooper was born, in preparation for college, Jamie and I started a savings plan for the him that could be converted into dollars for college tuition. Smart right?! Recently, I received a letter in the mail that notified us that Cooper was denied coverage. I was irate. Autism is not a death sentence. My son is healthy. He has no medical conditions. An At-Risk Life After following up I…

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My Worry as an Autism Mom and Why It Never Rests

February 20, 2017

Parenting a child with special needs is so much more than helicopter parenting. It is never taking your shoes off, being ready to run, casing every room, knowing every exit and danger, being drenched in sweat, never sitting, searching your child’s body for marks or bruises, up all night worrying, parenting. It consumes me at times. And deep down I worry that it is destroying me. It’s not like it happened overnight. It was an evolution. I am a pretty chill person. My kids fall and I wait for the…

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Ramblings of an Autism Mom Around Acceptance

February 15, 2017

My favorite topic to blog about! I’ve been noticing a trend. Every morning for the past few weeks I wake up to dozens of emails from parents looking for hope, help and guidance. I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND. I did the exact same thing when Cooper was younger. I would stay up late…usually after some sort of meltdown or a particularity hard day. And I would search for a blog where the child reminded me of Cooper. And  I would reach out. And in a really weird way I would feel guilty…

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