Before having children, my husband and I would talk about how many little feet we would like to have running around the house. Many times we would agree on two children…healthy of course. However, every now and I then I would get the urge to want to have three even four. I envisioned them all growing up together, playing sports, sharing friends and even overcoming the inevitable life challenge as a unit or team. After a healthy, uneventful pregnancy, our Jack entered the world. He was perfect. There were some…
Read MoreLast week, my five-year-old son Sawyer spent four days with his grandparents and his cousin. They fished, swam, biked and lived the cabin life. I was so excited for him to go and have fun. One of my worries and honestly, very real realities, is that he misses out on things. Having a sibling with special needs can do that. There is no sugar coating it. As parents to our children, we kill ourselves, and stretch ourselves way too thin, to make sure our children are getting what they need.…
Read MoreI used to hide my son from the world. That sounds terrible, I know. But there was a brief period of time that I felt better by keeping him cooped up. In my house, I didn’t need to feel scared. I didn’t need to compare. I didn’t need to constantly think and ponder and wonder what the future held. In my house, he was my perfect, beautiful child. There was nothing wrong with him. He was happy and that’s all that mattered. I remember the first time I realized something…
Read More“Ahh. Stop growing already.” I’ve said it. You’ve said it. As parents, I think we have all said it. We have said it to our children, who seem to change every single day. Like just about everything else, that statement (along with the fact that my boy is literally growing too fast) makes me emotional. For a couple of reasons. For one. I shouldn’t say it, because I WANT him to grow. I want him to learn new things. I want him to be better. I don’t want that to…
Read MoreAre you interested in writing for Finding Cooper’s Voice? I am always looking for guest posts that fit within the mission of my site. Posts should be autism related, honest and come from a place of love and support. August Suggested Blog Topic: Siblings Let’s talk about siblings! I am 30 weeks pregnant and siblings are on top of mind. Tell me how great your kids are. Or about your decision to have more children after your child was diagnosed. Or your decision not too. Tell me how your kids…
Read MoreI am a goal setter. I am a list maker. This is who I am as a person. Sometimes it drives my husband crazy. But, I think he will also admit how helpful it is. At any given time you can walk through my kitchen and see a list. Call social worker, complete paperwork, pay medical bill, make doctors appointment, etc. I also make lists with goals. Sometimes they are for Cooper and related to autism. Sometimes they are goals for our family. I even add the steps to achieve…
Read MoreLooking back over the last few months, my heart and mind fill with emotions. At one time, I thought so many things might not ever happen. My boy, Jake was diagnosed with autism at age two and has been nonverbal his whole life. Well, autism.. Then it happened. My sweet Jake is now 19 years old and if I counted the times I’ve heard through the years the things he would not do, I might have given up. As parents we have dreams way before our kids are born. I…
Read MoreYesterday I picked up my son from therapy and I knew instantly that something was off. He was with his favorite therapist. The one he absolutely adores. As I sat in my car watching her come out of the building with him, I immediately noticed how he was darting a bit. He was pulling away from her. Waving his arms. And my stomach dropped. I knew right then. Something was wrong. I jumped out and greeted him the way I always do. Like I haven’t seen him in years. I…
Read MoreI received an email last night. It was from a disabled adult. She self identified that way. She told me that she feels like a burden to her family. She feels guilty. She feels sad. She feels awful for the stress her disability has caused her parents. She worries that her siblings resent her. She said she lies awake at night wishing she could make her parent’s lives easier. She feels like a burden. I read the email over and over again. And I felt like I’d been punched in…
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