The other day I ran into an old friend at Target. I hadn’t seen her in ages. It was the same old story. Kids, jobs, chaos and time just slipped away. Before we knew it a year had past since we last spoke. We decided to stretch our time at Target and grab a coffee and chat. One of the reasons that this friend and I initially bonded is because we both have kids on the spectrum. We met at an advocacy event and connected immediately. Both our boys were…
Read MoreDream Night at the Minnesota Zoo is my most favorite event ever. Every year I leave feeling humbled, thankful and so happy to see so many families just like ours. There is no walking on eggshells. There is no worrying that people are judging us. There is no panicking when our kid runs or flaps or melts down. Instead, it’s beautiful children and amazing parents, caregivers, grandparents, therapists and others who live in our world. The boys each had a blast. Cooper spent his time running and looking for penguins!…
Read MoreHere is the photo that means so much to Jamie and I. We take nothing for granted because we know how hard our son works to do tasks that seem so simple to the world. It’s not as simple as going to church. It’s pressure. It’s putting on special clothes. Riding to a new place with his personal care attendant. Walking into a building. Staying calm with noisy people. Smiling for photos. We practiced for months. We worked on skills every single day. It’s a pretty big deal. And in…
Read MoreI have four kids and I love being a mom, all my kids are so unique and loved! But from the moment I got pregnant with my first child, I felt God let me feel his heart for my daughter in a extra special way. I felt like she was a worshipper and her heart was going to be connected to God in a super special way. I have a memory when I was in the beginning of labor with her, I looked up after a contraction to see tears in…
Read MoreTwenty years…How can it be two decades since you came into this world with a hail storm in June? No kidding. On June 4, 1999 my sweet Jake was making his debut into this world unremarkable, when somewhere around 4:15pm, the sky got dark, and as everyone in the room noticed began to peer out the window, a hail storm came, with thunder and lightening… Then, the sun came out, and minutes later you were born…my sweet, Jake Timothy Helms was born, 4:40pm 9 lbs 3 oz.. On that very…
Read MoreA lot of parents ask me about medications. Is our son on them? What specifically are you treating? Do they work? Side effects? What’s the biggest change you’ve see with them? They ask because they need help helping their child. It’s as simple as that. They aren’t lazy parents. They aren’t giving up. They’ve tried the therapies. They’ve researched. They’ve advocated. They’ve done more than they every thought possible. And their child still needs more. Maybe it’s with anxiety. Or with ADHD. Or even depression. And let me be clear…
Read MoreWhen I look at the toughest times in my life… My miscarriage. When my son was diagnosed with autism. When I was struggling with my marriage. Occasional money troubles. Losing people I love. I see a few common themes. One…I had no one to talk too. And two…I tried to pretend I was fine. I tried to rush through the hard. I had no one in my life that was going through similar issues. Or if they were…I had no idea. Because I was too afraid to talk about my…
Read MoreI hear these words so many times when I relate to someone that Alana is autistic. I’m so glad she can speak; she has no problem with that. She was able to read any book given her by age 6. We never really sounded out letters too much; just what Kindergarten taught her. But one day she magically just started to read and loves it. But there are behavior issues that will wear me down. Anywhere we go, I constantly watch her. I don’t leave her alone. I did take…
Read MoreA few days ago I had an ITP meeting for Cooper at his ABA Center. We talked about behaviors, evaluations, speech, and goals. We talked about how great Cooper is doing. His overall behaviors are down but the duration is up. We talked about holds, and kicking, how his favorite thing to work for his colored paper, and how his SDQ and CASII scores have improved. We chatted about emotional problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and so on. These meetings are required for him to maintain services. They are important. They…
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