
A Magical World

November 11, 2019

I often say we live in a magical world. My son and I. A world where we communicate with our hearts instead of our mouths. A world full of color and trains. Sometimes it’s upside down, backwards, even inside out in our world. Some days we move forward. Some days we stand still. We celebrate the craziest, oddest things. Things that everyone else takes for granted. Some days I swear we are the lucky ones. Some days I pray for it to get easier. I pray for simple. I pray…

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Parents, I have a Plea from the Bottom of my Heart

November 11, 2019

To explain, this week there were two incidents that tore me up inside.  I met a beautiful little 4 year old who I found out is in my daughter Evangeline’s class at school. When I asked if she knew Evie, she said with wide eyes ‘Yes! Evie just cries all the time!’ She was a sweet thing and meant no harm, but it hurt hearing that as her description of my daughter. Then, I was told by her caregiver that when they were leaving school this week, another classmate pointed…

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Things I Didn’t Know About Motherhood Until I Became One

November 8, 2019

I didn’t realize how mad I could get at my spouse over something so silly. I didn’t realize how close to the mental brink a child could push me. And the things I would argue over… I didn’t realize how precious 5 minutes of alone time in the bathroom could be. I didn’t realize how much pee, poop and puke I would clean up. I didn’t know that I would resent the time it takes to shower, eat, pee and poop because they take up too much time. I didn’t…

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Enter Your Child’s World

November 8, 2019

One of the things I hear the most often from parents of newly diagnosed children is…I can’t figure out how to get my child to play with me. Or, I can’t find an activity for us to do together. This is coming from moms and dads who are trying so hard. They are desperate to get inside. But they don’t know how. Not yet anyways. Boy does that resonate with me. I was that mom years ago. My son wouldn’t play with me. In fact, he didn’t play at all.…

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One of Those Mornings

November 8, 2019

It’s been one of those mornings. You know the one. Dog peed on the carpet, forgot to do reading homework last night, arguing over breakfast and wondering why it seems like daylight savings is still totally messing with your family. But it’s only one hour! It makes no sense. So, here’s to the parent who got up one too many times last night. The dad who used a paper towel as a coffee filter because someone forgot to buy them. The dad who scrubbed dog poop and pee out of…

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She’s Simple

November 8, 2019

How do you define the word simple? What images come to mind when you think of this word? The definition includes the following terms: “ Basic, plain, uncomplicated, easily understood or done, presenting no difficulty.” Simple, right? Wrong.  Try this: Use simple in a sentence: “We had a simple dinner last night, no fuss” “I want to keep our wedding simple, no fuss and minimal decorations” “What are you wearing to dinner? Oh, just a simple white blouse” “How was your test? It was pretty simple and easy, studying paid…

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Sephora Basket System Indicates if Shoppers Want Assistance

November 6, 2019

Are you an introvert? Or an extroverted introvert like me? Yes, that’s really a thing. Do you have social anxiety? Do you cross the street to avoid talking to people? Do you always choose the self checkout line at Target, no matter how many items you have, just to avoid chatting with a cashier? Because I do. At a Sephora in Europe, they are testing out a solution to help their introverted customers feels more comfortable. Red and black baskets are being used to indicate whether or not shoppers would…

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A Great Grandfather and Autism

November 6, 2019

It’s been almost ten months since Pop went home to heaven. He was 82 years young and it still is a big transition and heartbreak for our family. He was hilarious, full of faith, and a lifelong learner.  Our eldest son Emmett was diagnosed with autism at three and a half years old, long before this I was reading books and studying everything I could in early intervention because my heart knew it would be a benefit for him. Alongside me, through it all, was Pop, reading everything I read,…

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Friend, Please Allow Me to Feel and Worry

November 5, 2019

Friend, parent, partner, even a stranger on Facebook… I have a request for you. It’s going to sound really simple to you. Maybe even silly. But here goes. Please allow me to feel everything when it comes to my child’s diagnosis. Let me feel all the feelings and worry about all the worries, no matter how irrational or ridiculous they sound to you. Please, pretty please, don’t try to silence me. Or rush me along in the process. Please don’t make me feel guilty for feeling or acting a certain…

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The Mystery of Time

November 5, 2019

Before I became a mother I didn’t understand how complicated time could be. You know that old saying…the days are long but the years are short? I’m feeling that right now. The days are so long. Sometimes unbearable. I pray for a second to be a human, without someone climbing on me. But then I wonder how my babies can be 8, 6 and 1 already. How is that possible? I swear I was just in college last year. Most days feel like a blur. Like a race to see…

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