
I’m Thankful for the Talking back

November 26, 2019

Last Saturday, a friend of mine came over. As we were sitting on the stairs chatting, the boys were upstairs with my parents.  I heard them jumping up and down on the guest bed. I immediately called upstairs, saying, “BOYS! Come down here, now please!”  Immediately, I heard my son Yuri say, indignantly, “NO!” And then, I heard, his brother Aki say, “NO!” Although I immediately said, “excuse me!?” There was still a big part of me that chuckled as my parents said, “they’re pretending to sleep now!” and I…

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I’m Thankful For Our Therapists

November 25, 2019

We’ve been doing therapy since my son Nicholas was 6 months old. He was behind from the very beginning, and wasn’t hitting his milestones at all. He was oversensitive to everything, would arch his back a lot, and needed help with most things. It was recommended by his pediatrician that he start seeing an occupational therapist (OT). Those were some hard therapy days. Nicholas was uncomfortable and cried a lot. We worked on tummy time, sitting, feeding, and fine motor skills with little success. Because of his sensitivity his OT…

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The Importance of a Family Restroom

November 25, 2019

Before I had a son with autism, I feel like I was oblivious to a lot of things. I foolishly assumed that all kids went to restaurants, and used public restrooms and even transitioned from riding in a cart to walking. I didn’t know that some children are deathly afraid of automatic flushing toilets and hand dryers. I didn’t know that some parents are unable to go into gas stations or even go through drive thrus. But the biggest thing that I never even gave a second thought too…was public…

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Keep Moving Forward

November 25, 2019

So, I am sitting here, once again thinking about progress. And how important it is to stand still and reflect on much can change in a year. See, we stood still for years in the progress department. Any movement felt backwards. As a mom, I simply could not figure out how to get us moving forward. I felt like I was beating my head against a wall at times. But time, it has a way of happening. And all of a sudden, I look back and realize, we are in…

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A Thank You Letter To Bubba’s Twin Brother

November 25, 2019

Dear Braidan,  My sweet little buddy…  I’m not sure there are words to describe just how truly thankful I am for you and everything you do for your brother…but I’m going to give it a try.  Since the day I brought you and Ethan home from the hospital, you have been inseparable. You’d want to be close to each other touching and cuddling.  You’d steal each others binkies and giggle at the silliest things.  I loved it!  Sissy loved taking turns feeding you and helping you both learn new things… …

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Autism is Joy. So Much Joy.

November 24, 2019

Autism.  It’s not glamorous, easy, or fun.  It’s cancelling plans you’d been looking forward to, and not wanting to explain because you don’t want pity or sympathy… Or even worse…someone acting like they understand something that you have to live to grasp.  It is size 7 diapers at three and a half, and fearing having to put your squishy cheek little boy in adult diapers. It’s baby gates, high chairs, and it’s closed top cups. It is toys still in boxes because your son would rather spin the wheels on…

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Stay Humble and Kind my Lovely Daughters

November 22, 2019

Dear Elena, Sage and Kimber,   I thank you for your compassion and unconditional love. Your little sister has taught you so much in your short years. Her Autism has challenged you to learn patience, and then laughter. It has taught you a sixth sense of protection and selflessness.  You are blessed, you see not many kids or even adults understand this.  Her mischievous smile and laugh bring you back to simplicity. At your age I didn’t have these responsibilities that you so readily help me with.    She has taught you more in…

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They Will Always Have Each Other

November 22, 2019

On particularly emotional parenting days I’ll watch them sleep. Brothers. Two years apart. One on a typical path with friends, sports, and 1st grade. The other on his own path. Doing everything at his own pace. They share a bed. Neither one acknowledging the other one until bedtime. 8:30 will roll around. Sawyer will still be in the backyard hitting baseballs or riding his bike over a jump with his friends. Like clockwork, Cooper will look around, grab his blanket with one hand, put his other hand on his check…

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The Beauty in a Sibling

November 22, 2019

Because of our son Jack’s autism and sensory issues, one of the most difficult tasks for him is spending time at doctor’s appointments. When we bring him, he has severe anxiety; accompanied by lots of tears, screaming, tantrums and sometimes self-injurious behavior. It is heart breaking. Now, this may sound crazy…but because of this, in addition to all of his own appointments, I make sure to bring Jack to all of his siblings visits as well. You’re probably thinking WHY?! Right? Well, I do this in hopes to desensitize Jack…

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To the Mama who Wonders Why

November 21, 2019

I’m giving you this baby. He won’t be like the other ones. Maybe you’ll know from day one. Maybe it will take time. But eventually, you come to realize that something is different. It’s going to be hard at first. Not the love part. That part will be easy. But the fight to figure out what and why. That part will leave you depleted in a way that feels almost impossible to explain. You will be pushed to your limits. You are going to question everything you’ve ever done and…

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