April 24, 2023
Living and Learning in the Messiest Way
I’ve been thinking a lot about parenting lately. And the pressure to do it one way or another.
Maybe it’s the social media influencing me. Or maybe it’s having four entirely different kids growing up at rapid speed in a world that doesn’t always make sense.
I suppose it started with getting an epidural or not. Then to breastfeed or formula feed. Cry it out. Baby led weaning. Gentle vs free range parenting.
Looking back those decisions seem so minor.
My big kids are getting older now. 12 and 10. Brand new territory.
At what age do they get a cell phone?
When can they ride their bike to the store?
How do I manage big feelings?
What do they say…big kids big problems?
And then autism. Autism will forever touch every decision we make. Sometimes gently. Sometimes greatly.
I find myself questioning and wondering. Comparing and contrasting. All while trying to raise good humans.
I have landed on the word ‘messy.’
Life is messy. So is parenting and marriage and adulting.
I do none of it perfectly. And no one in my family is very polished.
And this Facebook page…the lives and articles they don’t show the full picture.
My life is messy. Heck my husband and I got divorced and remarried to each other.
Our house is messy. Our floors are messy. I’m messy. Like literally.
We aren’t doing autism perfectly. We don’t always say or do the right things. We get lost. We try. We give up. We fail. We cry. We believe in him. We meet him where he is at.
We don’t raise our four children perfectly either. We are more learning our way through.
But we are doing it. We are living and learning in the messiest way.
And embracing it all.