A Letter to Our Autistic Son


Many times when someone thinks about autism they think of it negatively. But I want to talk about autism in a positive light. I want to talk about what our son’s autism has taught us.

Dear Sully,

We wanted to write this letter to you, my beautiful boy, letting you know just how much you have changed our lives and the things you have taught us.

You have made us more compassionate towards others.

You have shown us the ability to not judge others because you never know what struggles they are facing.

You have shown us that we are stronger than we ever possibly thought we could be.

You have shown us that with hard work and the right tools you can do anything you set your mind to.

You have taught us coping skills, the importance of patience, understanding and forgiveness.

You have taught us a love that is unmeasurable.

You have taught us the power of inclusion.

You have provided us with a platform to educate, advocate, support and encourage others.

Because of you, we have been connected with some of the most amazing people who we wouldn’t have met otherwise. Many of them have become an extension of our family.

You have taught us that some battles aren’t worth fighting. The petty things that used to be important just aren’t anymore.

You have taught us that we aren’t going to accept bullying, bigotry and discrimination.

You have taught us not to take anything for granted.

You have taught us who to trust and not trust and who is important in our lives and who isn’t worth the fight.

You have taught us to celebrate every milestone. Even the smallest.

You have taught us to look at the world differently.

You have taught us to look beyond the surface of people.

You have taught us to think before we speak.

You have taught us that actions speak louder than words.

You have taught us the importance of appreciating, loving, respecting all kids for who they are. And demanding respect and understanding for them.

You have helped us teach others that your life along with others with special needs is just as important as any others. It’s basic human rights.

You have taught us that disabilities don’t have to be negative. That we need to focus on the positives.

You have taught us that we are fighters, activists and advocates.

You have taught us that it’s ok to be unapologetically yourself.

Thank you for changing our lives Sully. We can’t imagine a life without you sweet boy.


Mom and Dad


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Tonya Andrews

Tonya lives in Ankeny, IA with her husband, Tim and their 3 boys, Gavin (24), Remington (10) and Sullivan (9). Their son Sullivan is Autistic and has severe ADHD, ODD, and SPD. Their whole family also suffers from anxiety. They started their Facebook page Confessions of a Family with 3 Crazy Boys to help educate, advocate, encourage and support others. They want people to feel seen, heard and not alone. Tim and Tonya love to travel and take one trip a year, just the two of them, to reconnect and remind themselves they are still married.

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