Ten People to Love My Son

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I talk about many aspects of my son’s and our lives, but I don’t talk about the rest of his family as much as I should.

On average there are 10 different people, including ourselves, coming and going in my home in a week. They’ve become family because they are interwoven into my child’s life and my own. 

They walk into my home as they would their own. Sometimes they know where things are better than I do.

Ok, usually.

Like that mini screwdriver. They know to go into the kitchen cabinet, to the left by the fridge on the second shelf and look in the mason jar full of pens and pencils. It used it to replace the batteries in toys for him. 

They know the batteries are above the kitchen sink. 

The cups are to the right of that cabinet and the chocolate milk on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

They know my son prefers blueberries to strawberries.

They know all his favorite games and favorite foods. His every mood, the look on his face, and the words he’s trying to form.

We all work together. We celebrate together and worry together. Try to come up with solutions and progress together.

When we smile and cheer, so do they. When he cries and shows signs of distress they try to help and comfort him. 

They are a part of my life. They know about my job, my relationships, and my kids more than just about anyone. They’ve seen me in my pajamas, no make up, and oftentimes hair a mess. Half asleep. When I’m sick and barely functioning. 

They’ve grieved alongside my family and me. They’ve comforted me when life has knocked me down. They help me back up. 

Our life is a revolving door of caring, compassionate, and loving people who want to make a difference and love my son. He is a caring, compassionate, and loving person who loves his people.

There are 10 family members in this home.

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Lisa Polinske

Lisa Polinske lives in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI with her two sons. Her youngest was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder three years ago. She wears her mom title and armor with much pride.

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  1. Theresa wright on November 11, 2022 at 12:27 pm

    I don’t have a baby whos have special needs however i spend my summers with children with abilities all kinds. They are my best friends 💙💙💙💙 everydayy little buddy Mikey he and I wank to the lunch room and he and I both sing out song which is “I got you babe” !!!! I miss him so much throughout the school year but when I walk in the room in the summertime for the first time well every time his little face just like slow even though he’s almost completely nonverbal .. but he thinks the world of me as I do him 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 and Cooper has made me smile so thank you Cooper and Mom and Dad !!!