Each Day I Am A Little Bit Stronger


Each day I am a little bit stronger.

After the drive home from diagnosis day. I am a little bit stronger.

After crying all night long about a different future. I am a little bit stronger.

After each and every meltdown my child has. I am a little bit stronger.

After each appointment where I am told you have once again not met a milestone. I am a little bit stronger.

After another Diagnosis. Autism, Apraxia and ADHD! I am a little bit stronger.

After being told you would be non-verbal for life at age five. I am a little bit stronger.


After each CSE meeting at school where they talk about all of your struggles. I am a little bit stronger.

After ABA therapy for two years. I am a little bit stronger.

After each and every therapy session. I am a little bit stronger.

After being punched, kicked and scratched. I am a little bit stronger.

After someone uses the “R” word. I am a little bit stronger.

After being told he might live with me forever. I am a little bit stronger.

After having to change schools to get him more help. I am a little bit stronger.

After each regression. I am a little bit stronger.

Each morning I still feel the prick of the pain but I put on my makeup anyway!

I am a little bit stronger.

I arrive at work, turn down the music and wipe away the tears.

I am a little bit stronger.

I continue to fight each and every day!

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Alicia Kiechle

My name is Alicia Kiechle. I am a proud mother of two amazing kids. I have a beautiful daughter named Morgan who is 9 years old and I have an energetic son Kyle who is 6 years old. Kyle was diagnosed on the autism spectrum and is currently nonverbal. Kyle has opened my eyes to a whole new world and a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Love needs no words!” I am also a Reading Specialist in an all-inclusive elementary school, and I have taken on the role as the autism advocate and coach within the building. I started this group because when my son was first diagnosed at the age of two, I had no one in my life who could understand what I was going through until I found a few autism blogs online that changed my life. So, in return, I want to help other autism parents like myself by sharing our journey, so they don’t feel so alone like I did at first. I want to help teach everyone to always choose kindness and to “Be Kind For Kyle.”

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