A Letter to Special Needs Parents


Dear Special Needs Parent,

I See You

I see all the nights you FINALLY get your child to sleep, to then wake an hour later for the rest of the day.
I see all the miles on your car from driving to and from therapies every day.
I see the bags under your eyes from the pure exhaustion you feel.
I see the forced smiles when you see other children your child’s age progressing at a much faster rate, while your child struggles.

I Hear You

I hear the soft sobs you cry once you lay down to sleep at night because you just don’t know how you’re going to make it through another day.
I hear the silent pleas for help because you just don’t know what to do anymore but you don’t know who to ask.
I hear your loud prayers and tears going up to Heaven, begging God to help, to fix it, to change your situation. He hears you too.

I Get You

I get it.
I get the anxiety you feel anytime your child gets sick or upset, just waiting for a meltdown or another week of staying home, or getting sent to the hospital.
I get that you need a break, and it’s basically impossible because a sitter sounds great, but no one can take care of your child the way you do.
And I get it that other people just don’t “get it.”

I Love You

Momma, the weight you are carrying is heavy. But I will help you carry it. We will help you carry it. That’s what special needs mommas do. We lift each others’ burdens, and remind each other, “You can do it!” “Keep going!” “I’ve got you!” This is how we all make it through!

You are strong! You are fierce! You are AMAZING! You’ve got this! You may be struggling, but you are not alone.

You are not alone.

Renee Sellers

I'm Renee! A wife and stay home momma to the two sweetest girls! Our daughter, Opal, is on the autism spectrum and we love to share our journey with others, advocating and educating all along the way! And reminding others that there is always hope!

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  1. Anisa Torres on September 8, 2022 at 11:03 am

    Thank you for this. I needed this so much, as a new autism mommy I related to every single word you wrote and I’m so glad I am not alone in this new journey of Elias’s ❤️

    • Renee Sellers on September 9, 2022 at 10:33 am

      You are not alone friend!

  2. Anna on September 12, 2022 at 1:28 pm

    I so needed this today after a hard weekend x

  3. Lauren O on September 12, 2022 at 2:58 pm

    I needed this.