They Will Have Each Other
Every day lately feels like a sprint. And a marathon. Fast and quick and dragging by at the same time.
And yet there are really amazing moments sprinkled throughout. Mixed in with the hard and the exhausting.
Just a few minutes ago, the one on the right there smashed the one on the lefts Star Wars Lego set. There was yelling. And ‘I hate having a brother!’
But after they snuggled right here.
And earlier, my oldest stole the good iPad from Sawyer. He yelled and screamed when we made him give it back. And while he has no words, he would have said I hate having brothers too. Without a doubt.
But when asked who he wanted to sit by in the car he said clearly…’SS-AW-ER. And grabbed his brother’s hand to walk out to the car.
And later, Sawyer said to me…’Mama, some of my friends ask why Cooper is weird. Why he does weird stuff and can’t talk. And why he runs around and screams.’
‘I told them he’s autistic mom. And that if they’d just listen they’d understand. He’s not weird mom. Don’t be sad mom. I’ll make them understand.’
Long after I’m gone, the four of them will still have each other. We are all doing okay. Even with the chaos.
Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow us on Facebook, subscribe for exclusive videos, and subscribe to our newsletter.