An Open Letter to the Bullies of the World:
Dear Bullies,
I wish I could say there is probably a reason for the hate in your heart but I won’t be able to do that. Your tough childhood or the excuse that hurt people in return hurt people are reasons wasted on me.
You see there comes a time in our lives where we need to stop blaming others for the way we are and start learning from the difficulties of our past.
YOU though are in a class of bullies all by themselves.
The kind that would target a special needs child or adult that is vulnerable and unable to defend themselves.
To make fun or be mean to them.
To talk or tell lies about them to make them feel or appear less than.
Do you know they are human beings with feelings? Do you know they would probably be your friend and love you unconditionally? Do you know they would NEVER bully you because hate in their heart does not exist?
I often wonder if your mom’s heart would break to learn what kind of a person you truly are. I also pray that she did not raise you that way because it does not bode well for our future generations.
As a mom who has experienced the heartache of having her Autistic son bullied, I want those bullies to know a few things. My son has forgiven you for what you did to him because he loves everyone and holds no ill will towards anyone.
Try and take a lesson from his forgiveness. It is more exhausting to live in a state of hate so let his example of love make a difference in your life. Let it be the turning point for your change!
More importantly get to know and mentor those with disabilities, that in itself will change your life. I on the other hand am a mom who’s child was the recipient of your evil ways. I am trying hard to be forgiving like him but it is difficult for me.
I will however say this in closing.
My wish for you is that your children are never on the receiving end of being bullied by someone just like you.
My main message to all the bullies out there is…Change your heart! Do better! Be better!
You have one life to live so live it right.
Sincerely, Steven’s Mom
Written by, Kelly of Growing Up Steven
My name is Kelly. I am a wife and the mother of 3 wonderful children. I enjoy spending time with my family and I really enjoy working out every day! It is the BEST stress reliever. Our family is also Disney obsessed! For the past 30 years our family has been on a journey with my son Steven who is Autistic. Let’s face it as mom’s we want to fix things the most. However, our journey became not about fixing Steven but about helping him to make the most progress possible and live the best life that he could. This diagnosis affects an entire family. I hope and pray that I can help families live their own Journey to the best of their ability. You can follow Kelly and Steven on Instagram at Growing Up Steven.
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