We’re On An Adventure
I can’t tell you the last spontaneous thing we have done as a family. I reckon it’s been eight years.
Trips and outings are planned meticulously to help our kiddo be successful.
But, well, when you realize you forgot his favorite paper to stim on, and you need to get out of the house so you don’t all lose your minds…you take a trip to town. (That’s what you say when you live in the country…you go to town!)
You risk it. We are doing it. We couldn’t have even dared a year ago to try something so unplanned.
Six of us packed in our vehicle (with Grandpa!), Cars blaring on the iPad, Cooper dancing in his seat, the baby wielding a plastic golf club, and Sawyer holding his fishing lures, and Grandpa holding on for dear life!
Wish us luck. The plan is a Walmart, the old fashioned candy story and a visit to see a giant fish. This is very risky for us but it will be great. Fingers crossed.
Every three minutes Sawyer asks how many minutes and Cooper says, ‘P-AAA-P-ER!’ Like I could forget.
Look out Hayward, WI. The Swenson’s are on an adventure.
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