Mom, I Can Never Thank You Enough
You know the saying, “It takes a village.” Well, now I totally get it.
Being a Mom is no walk in the park. You are constantly doing for everybody else, and rarely have time for yourself.
I went the whole weekend without showering. I even skipped dinner and didn’t realize until I was starving at 10pm.
Mom brain is in full force, at all times!
So, on the days when I feel like I am at my weakest, and I get a random call from my Mom asking if Harper can come over for a sleepover…I rejoice!
You see, my Mom is special. She just gets it.
The one who helps me out in any situation. The one who lets me vent and cry to her about how Autism sucks.
The one who would come to my house at midnight during a crisis. The one who goes above and beyond for my son.
Always. I know that all I have to do is call.
She is there…she’s always there.
When I found out that I was pregnant, I started to think about how I hoped that I was half the Mom she was.
Turns out, she’s not just a great Mom, but an even better Nanny to my boy!
To say that I am thankful for her is an understatement.
I’m not quite sure where I would be today, without her in my life. She has taught me so much.
When I’m questioning my faith, and asking God “why?” She is there to remind me that He has a plan, He loves me, and that He will never lead me astray.
When I’m at my lowest, she picks me up.
When I’m over the moon excited that Harper just said a new word, she’s right beside me celebrating.
When I need a break, she’s always ready to relieve me. I don’t know if she will ever realize how much that means to me.
This is love. This is being a Mom.
Written by, Sarah Bybee
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