In this moving narrative of resilience and pure love, three mothers share their experiences and learnings about life alongside autism. Kate Swenson, Adrian Wood, and Carrie Cariello are from different parts of the country and backgrounds, but they were brought together by a singular experience: they are each a mother to a child with autism.
Awesome, and perfect. We all need to connect with someone who just gets it. That “me too” is a relief.
Love this too! Sometimes I find it’s hard relating to other Mom’s so this really resonates 🙂
Got to love that one. It’s always great to know you aren’t alone and that someone understands.
You love this? Me, too. 😉
Love this. That’s why our blogosphere family and support groups are so important. It’s a bunch of people telling us “me too.”
Exactly! Virtual friends that get it. Nothing better!